Sunday, July 19, 2009

The World is Coming to an End: News at 11

Just finished watching "Meteor" on TV tonight.  Well, I watched it like some of you watch "Wipeout".  In my case making fun of the bad acting made it bearable.   It is the first of "many end of the world" stories (not counting the republican account of what will happen if Sotomayor becomes judge!).  Lately at the movies half the previews shows a dismal future.  One movie coming out this fall has pinpointed December 21, 2012 as our last day, but until then they have a story to tell you.  This also includes G.I. Joe which will be more positive because they will have toys to sell.  I'm not sure why recession and depression makes us want to watch this stuff.  I guess we are looking for some reason to say:  Well, compared to that, things aren't so bad!"

Come to think of it isn't that what the show "Wipeout" is about also?

FYI:  As Meteor ended their was a commercial for the movie for next week: another disaster movie!

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