Tuesday, July 21, 2009

They Got Some "Splainin" to DO

This was the heading of the Sunday New York Times Op-Ed page.  I want to talk about it because I have dwelt on it for several days.  I will admit that I (among other things) am a News Junkie. I read three papers a day not counting online. On the weekends I read 4 (Muskogee, Tulsa, OKC, New York).  You know that all these have a different take.  Tulsa is sort of Middle of the Road, Muskogee doesn't care.  OKC is so far right, it is in the ditch.  I was always told that the Times is that far to the left.   The thing that separates the Times from the others is that these people can write! (talent wise)  I don't agree with everything they say, but they make me think.  The others just want to tell me what to think. I have never been a good follower in that way.

The Times Op-Ed referred to Senator Coburn's attempt at humor when he told Sonomayor that, "You'll have lots of "splainin" to do!"  (His reference to the famous Ricky Ricardo statement to Lucy.)  Ricky you'll remember was Latino.  We Okies didn't mind his comment.  It passed right over us.  It was not local news. It was "Normal".   Well our politically correct USA doesn't like it.  They compared it to his out-of touch objection of showing "Schindler's List" because of nudity when the movie was a stirring Holocaust epic.  Saying he doesn't understand Jews or Latinos.   Ok!  Everybody has an opinion.  Had I stopped there, it would not have meant as much.  I kept reading.  The story then lumped him with Lindsey Graham (R-SC) who is also on the Judicial Committee.

Both Coburn and Graham came into Congress in 1994 as part of the Gingrich revolution.  When they took Congress from Clinton's group stating that they wanted, " a Congress that respects the values and shares the faith of the American Family."

How are they doing?  Of the guys that Newt brought in Mr. Haywood and Ney of the House were part of the Abramoff scandal (Ney went to prison).  Misters Sanford, Ensign, and Foley had affairs while voting to impeach Clinton.  As did Gingrich.  Lindsey Graham served as manager of the prosecution against Clinton.   

Here is what is interesting:  When the South Carolina Governor went south (Literally!), with his affair after lying to everyone about his trip, Graham thought the people of SC should give him another chance and hoped the Gov and his wife could work things out.  Not quite what he said about Clinton!  He also did not protest the Nevada  Senator Ensign's affair with a staff member.  Coburn also gave "Deacon" advice to the Senator that reportedly included a payoff to the staff member's family.  Coburn used Deacon immunity so that he did not have to answer questions.  Neither wanted him to be impeached!

You and I, in our Christian theory, believe in the GOD of the second chance, forgiveness, etc.  What kills Christianity in our society is how selective we practice it!  Political enemies have no mercy, no forgiveness!

Locally, Congressman Sullivan is treated as a good Christian for going to Betty Ford by the same group that have persecuted every Democrat that did the same!    You still think that Bill Clinton is a dog!  No proof he still does it but Letterman says he does.  I watched Rick Warren discuss this with Bill for an hour one night, but we don't believe him, why?  He is not as moral as Newt and Ney and Ensign and Foley who said that they would set a higher moral standard!

These are the same guys who believed in term limits too (back in 94)!  They changed their mind on that TOO!

You are not comfortable reading this.  Me neither!

This bothers me and confirms to me why being Democrat or Republican is NOT the answer.

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