Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Ugly Truth about The Ugly Truth

The family's gone and this afternoon we went and viewed The Ugly Truth. As comedies go, it was amusing and fun at times, but it is one of the "New" generation comedies. Three years ago this would have been a PG or PG-13 movie based on story, content, etc. The success of the "40 Year Old Virgin" era movies has changed things. "R" is now the way to make money. No need for female nudity either. A naked guy's backside will do the trick. Just mix the comedy with enough profanity and hard core sex talk and you have a hit! We enjoyed the movie enough, but not enough to see it with anyone we know. Certainly not our Kids and they are married!

I say that because setting in front of us were two mothers with their daughters (who appeared to be about 12!) Oh, they gestured to cover their kid's ears a couple of times but they did not say, "We had better leave". I was uncomfortable about people I didn't even know!

The there were the three black people setting across from us that talked to the screen, and screamed at places and repeated parts of the dialogue. I know that sounds racist, but I have been to way, way too many movies to know that this is NOT a stereotype.

The movie was well acted. The audience was not.

It is about a local market TV show and some of you that have actually been in the business may enjoy it on a different level. You know who you are!

I give it **1/2 stars

2009 movie #48

Editorial: We need to insist that the CARMIKE Cinemas, at least try to meet part of the Health department standards. The carpet is so stained it is a new pattern. The fixtures in the Men's room have been "out of order" for 6 months and has a rank odor. And that is just the beginning!

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