Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sister's Keeper is a keeper

Tuesday Night at the movies:  I had a not so good day so I thought, "I might as well go see a movie about someone having a worse day!"  We went to see "My Sister's Keeper".   Yes, it is a sad movie and no it is not a "Chick Flick" or a "Medical movie of the week".  It is a hard movie to set through, but it probably should be mandatory for parents.  It is so well acted by every actor that it seemed real.  I know it deals with a sick child and the idea of loss, but so does life.  I don't want to spoil the show, but I will give two pieces of advice:

1. You will sat at times with a lump in your throat, crying, or wanting to.  It is OK.  If it doesn't affect you like that, you are just heartless!

2. If throw up bothers you (I'm thinking of me right now!), eat the popcorn DURING the previews!

You will have much to think about after this.

I give it ****stars.

2009 Movie # 42

PS:  The movie "Brothers Bloom" that I thought you had missed, has shown up in our fair city!

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