Monday, June 29, 2009

You may be over weight if.......

I went to get a new driver's license today. It was the joy of joys. When it came my turn, they took the photo and then she stared at it and said: "Let's try another." I understood this being a portrait studio and all. She took another and said to take a seat. Later she calls for Mr. Martin.

She then tells me that my photo does not match my others (like I am an imposter or something).

I look at her and she says, "Don't be concerned, you aren't the first today and won't be the last."

Then I catch her drift. "Hey, Buddy you've put on a few pounds since your last portrait."

She later calls me to take another photo. I close my eyes. Then she says, "Let's try again this time keep your eyes closed until I say open." She says open and takes the photo. She frowns and says Okay.

She then fingerprints me and asks if my height and weight are the same. I smile and say, 'Sure, still 180 pounds.

Just like in 1979!

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