Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Elsewhere U.S.A. the book

I am reading (listening) to a new book by Dalton Conley, a social scientist.   I find it one of the best at explaining the evolution of our society.  He starts by comparing life in 1959 to life in 2009.  He considers things like how air conditioning changed the politics of the U.S.!  It is an interesting idea.  Today he was discussing how the computer (which was supposed to be a time saver) requires and prods us to work longer. or  Why do we use more paper in business now that we are paperless?   Why we all by all the latest gadgets (Blackberry, IPhone) so that life can be easier when in reality, we just work around the clock and become even more distracted.  He asks, "How many of us feel overextended, as we are challenged to play multiple roles -  worker, boss, parent, spouse, and client- all in the same instant?"

Yesterday, I read is discussion of the idea of the tip!  Tipping the waiter, tipping the car wash guys, the tip jars, etc.  He explains that tips started as a way to reward good service and have morphed into a service charge!  He says he used to tip his waiter because the next time he entered the cafe, he could get better service from the same person.  He says now with the constant turnover in staff or tipping a cab driver, we will never see again, we have accepted new roles:  1.  We are helping the restaurant pay staff.  2. We are acknowledging that since we are of higher status, we are reaching down.  He says the incentive for the worker to provide better service is now lost because the expectation of the tip over rules the reason.  He also points out that the lowest paid service people who really, really need the money (think McDonald's) are allowed to accept them.  It makes for good challenging thought.

He also goes into depth about how companies like Goggle are changing company cultures in the U.S.A.    I am half finished.  It is a good read!

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