Sunday, December 28, 2008

Valkyrie or No?

By now you have probably read the reviews that say that Tom Cruise was a lousy choice to play the lead in the Movie, "Valkyrie" ,the WWII story about a plot to kill Hitler. Ever since Tom talked about his religion, talked to Matt Laur on Today and jumped on Opra's couch. Every SERIOUS reviewer has talked about how bad Tom Cruise is. Tom has gone into the same category as Michael Bolton and Kenny G. No matter how good they are, it is not cool to like them! I listened to an interview with the Movie's Director stating that the first bad reviews of the movie issued were from reviewers that had not seen the movie yet! It had not been issued for review. They based Cruise's bad acting on the fact that the press photos showed him in an eye patch, and they thought he looked funny in an eye patch.

Here is the crazy thing: The character he plays looses an eye at the start of the movie.

Second crazy thing: He looks just like the character he plays. (See photo) Tom Hanks is a better actor but..... Will Smith is a better actor but.... Brad Pitt is a better actor but....

Tom Cruise looks like the guy!

We went to see the Movie today and enjoyed it. But I'm silly enough to like Tom Cruise. The story was good and I might add "a true story!" It is about Nazis and all, so it is not a cheery holiday romp, but it is why movies are made. You have to marvel at the guts these people had to try this overthrow. If you like history, it is worth *** stars

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