Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama wants to kill me! Details at 10:00 PM News

I mean I don't know how I have been so stupid or how Obama has been the craftiest person in history. I was warned though. People did tell me that he was SATAN and I missed it!

My mind just doesn't stretch far enough to imagine Obama, Biden, and company setting around grinning and saying, "Now that it is still safe to kill babies, lets kill all the old people Too!
(Who does Biden think he is? A teenager!) After all we control Congress and Sotomayor will control the court we can kill people and destroy the nation's economy at the same time!"

At least that's the story I have been hearing on FOX, Palin's facebook, etc.

We all know that Bush 2 was not a MENSA member, and you may have stretched yourself to the point that you think Obama is a socialist (Aren't all democrats?), but who knew that he was HITLER! Yes, I have heard and watched him called that!

I go to a lot of movies and see a lot of plots where you leave "reality" at the door, but come on guys. This stuff goes way, way way, over the line. I mean it is one thing to believe that Obama is really an African Spy trained from birth to be president. (No wait, that was Denzil Washington in "Manchurian Candidate!") Or that he wants to take over the world (No that's G.I. Joe!).

Comparing Obama's Health Plans to Hitler killing 9,000,000 Jews is low, even for Palin and Hannity.

If any of my friends out there in cyberspace really believe that it is Obama's goal to kill old people, contact me and take me through your thought process. I don't mean Rush's thoughts and Hannity's thoughts. I have heard them!

Yes, I actually found the above symbol on Google!

I still believe that "everything is going to be alright, Don't Worry. be Happy.

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