Monday, February 2, 2009

Techno World

A few months ago everything was seemed so quiet. I had a cell phone but I'm not a phone person. I had email and Internet, but they were just there to assist me during the day. Suddenly, I realize that without much thought, I fell into a techno world hole! iphones, blogs, and facebook, oh my! I got an iphone because it is cool. Now on a typical night after 9pm, Carol and I are setting in our chairs watching a TV show that we have recorded (We watch very little live TV anymore.) and playing games that we have downloaded to our phones. Friday night we got to the movies early so we set in the theater playing games. I feel guilty when I don't blog everyday. Why? I don't know. For a lark, I signed up for Facebook just see what the fuss was. I was not ready for that. I am setting at my computer at the office and as I am typing this, I received two more friends! My computer is going crazy with chatter back and forth. There is fresh blood in the water and every one's computers have sensed that I am around and asking me like Mr. Rogers: "Won't you be my friend?" I guess I will buy Facebook for Dummies to see what the next step is.

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