Friday, February 6, 2009

IRS Blindside, PART 2

Remember, my blog last month about the IRS sending us a "Notice to Levy Certain Assets" because they claimed we owed them $25.25 from 2006. Remember how i said it probably cost a few hundred dollars to collect this small amount. Well, we sent them a check for $25.25 to stay out of jail. In today's mail receive back a check from THEM for $25.28. WE MADE 3 CENTS ON THIS DEAL! But that's not all the check noted that the 3 pennies was for 12 days interest. They also attached a card that said that we would soon receive a SECOND letter explaining what they did. Oh Goody!

We have just received a 3 penny stimulus!

1 comment:

H. Shae said...

They'll probably tax you on the check they sent you next year. LOL!