Saturday, January 30, 2010

Edge of Darkness: empathy

We went to see Mel Gibson's new movie, "Edge of Darkness" tonight. I have read two or three reviews of this movie. Some liked it. Some thought it was half-baked. Some just said it's another Mel Gibson, "Mad-Mel, Payback, Bloody Mel" kind of thing. Everybody has opinions and it all depends on POINT OF VIEW.

In the movie there is a statement that is recurring, "How does that feel?" When the Mel character's daughter is killed, he goes and visits her boss and in the course of the conversation and out of the blue the boss asks Mel, "How does it feel to loose your daughter?" During the story other people in other situations ask the same question, "How does it feel?" The reviewers that do not like this film basically do not know how it feels.

Since I have first hand knowledge of the first question, I can respond and say that Mel Gibson showed how it felt. I don't see it much in the movies, but another movie also set in Boston, "Mystic River" got it right as well. In that movie it was Sean Penn. In movies and TV the main character is given about 5 minutes to get over their loss and move on! Get to the action!

People struggle with the idea of empathy. I have shared before with people about when my daughter died one of my partners tried to empathize with me and even used the term, "I'm trying to get the idea of how it feels" he said. Then he compared my daughter's death to the loss of a family pet! Did I say ex-partner? I should have. I didn't do what Mel did, but I wanted to.

The movie hit home with me in a big way. It's probably a good thing if you don't get it.

Yes, in many ways the mystery story is not new in this, but the acting is good, especially Mel and Roy Winston (a hired killer). I will say that the previews give you a good idea of the tale, but it has plenty of surprises. It is an "R" for language, bloody scenes and little more throw-ups than I like while eating popcorn.

I liked it and give it *** 1/2 stars.

2010 Movie #5

1 comment:

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