Monday, January 18, 2010

ironic immigration

At church yesterday the minister that we help support in Greece was showing slides of the horrible living conditions of the refugees that come to Athens from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Morocco, etc. During Q&A he was asked why the government did not help. Matt explained that to Greece these were illegal immigrants and that locals resented the refugee presence because they take away jobs, need care, etc.

Something caught me off guard. It is ironic!
Our church is helping illegal immigrants in Greece while judging by all state polls, Oklahomans (like us) are fighting against illegal immigrants harder than most areas of the country.

I'm not saying we don't help the needy in our community. We do that well, no matter what race, creed, etc.
I'm saying that if I polled most of our church members, the majority would be against doing in Oklahoma, what we support in Greece!

Food for thought.

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