Saturday, January 16, 2010

Haiti and the Book of Eli

Watching the TV coverage of the devastation in Haiti makes me recall the movie, "The Book of Eli" and in a small way the movie, "Leap Year". The utter destruction in Eli is computer generated. Haiti is real. The issues are the same. When the world is turned upside down and the comforts of life disappear, what is important. With Haiti, nations and organizations are rushing to help. You and I feel the need to do something.

Eli shows it a different way. What if the whole world was in the same boat? No help is coming. The looters, criminals and low life humans (that sometimes threaten Haiti) become rulers in Eli's world. It is the wild west with no Marshall.

In both cases water becomes the ultimate commodity. Soap is almost fantasy. Medicine and food are the dreams of life.

In the midst of both is the nagging need to believe in something. The need is God.

The comedy "Leap Year" has a recurring question: If your house was on fire and you had 60 seconds to take what you thought was important, what would it be? It's not the computer or remote!

The Book of Eli has a scene where Eli is telling a girl about life before the war. He said everyone had more than they needed. He said, "We were throwing away things that people would kill for now."

It comes down to God, Family and Water!

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me."

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