Friday, November 27, 2009

Mikes weighs in on the healthcare debate 1

I know a lot of my friends are against the government getting into health acre, but I have two stories to share, one old and one new that have shown me how the insurance companies and the health system feels about me.

Story 1: Thirty years ago this week our daughter was struck by a School Bus. I rode the ambulance to the hospital and witnessed the frantic pace of the Emergency Room. While the Medical Team worked I was told to go to the admitting desk near the Waiting Room and sign a couple of papers. Being still in the shock of the events, I did as told. Returning to the Trauma Center I found that Heather had died.

We had Blue Cross, which covered Emergency Services 100%. However, a week later, they informed me that the paper I signed had admitted her into the Hospital, so they were off the hook. We had to pay it all even though she never left the trauma room.

I haven't used Blue Cross since.

Story 2: Weeks ago Carol went in for a routine screening. After the mammogram they were going to compare it with her past tests. Even though they had performed all past tests, they asked Carol for the records. It was about that time that we realized that they had lost her past screenings. They asked that she come in for another test. She did. Our insurance denied the claim as not a covered expense.

Please Glen Beck don't tell me how this is the best way!

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