Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blogging Blahs: Hello from Russia

Dear Diary:

Its been over a week since I have been to a movie. As a matter of fact I haven't been to a movie in the month of November! What's worse is I won't see a movie this week either! Yikes! Not that life is dull. We were in Fort Worth last weekend and are going back this weekend to the NASCAR races. You will think me stupid, but the way I am wired I do have movie with drawl.

What I have realized the past two weeks is that when I am with other couples, family, etc., I find that I just listen to all their stories and yet seldom talk about what I'm doing, thinking, etc. That is weird for someone who likes to blog. Isn't it?

Speaking of blogging, last night I got the following post about I blog on "Mike's theory of Profanity and Cursing": Hello from Russia! Can I quote a post "No teme" in your blog with the link to you?

First, I didn't know what "No teme" meant so I googled it. The first hit that had it was someone else's blog about cats and the exact same notice appeared on theirs but about some cat story. That scared me because I thought, "Virus!"

Second, I went on and found "no teme" statements always by a Russian and each time I hit translate the term meant "not fear"!

I even put something on FACEBOOK asking for help. No comments.

I finally responded to the email with: Please explain "No teme"!

No comment there either

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