Thursday, January 22, 2009

Presentation 2

Tonight, I conducted a public hearing for the business owners in downtown Fort Gibson. We are preparing the replace their sidewalks and lamp posts in a four block area. We had a good crowd in the council chambers, and someone brought their 8 year old daughter who naturally sat on the front row by herself. For every question asked by one of the stake holders, the cute little girl asked one as well. Her first question was ok, "How will we walk if the sidewalks are gone?" I smiled. The audience smiled. I answered. Moving along, someone asked a question. I answered. The precious little girl asked, "Will we get new sidewalks at my school?" I smiled and looked over the audience wanting the parent to speak up. No luck. I again answered her question. Someone else asked a question. I answer. This darling little angel of a girl asked, "Can we get a new flag?" I smile. The audience smiled. No one even nodded. It went on!
She even came up after the meeting and interrupted my conversation with the Mayor. Maybe she is on the Town Council?

Dear Abby: Well ,never mind. She may be yours!

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