Saturday, June 15, 2013

Man of Steel in Two Parts

I grew up with Superman. I watched the one on TV in the 1950's while I read my comics and later I liked Superman when he made it to the big screen. I was anxious to see the new  "Man of Steel" and I did today. That movie is so long that it was like watching Part 1 and Part 2.

I loved Part 1 as the writers retold the story of him coming to earth and why. I like the flash backs that told the story with his two dads played by Russell Crowe and Kevin Costner. That was a father's day treat.  The telling of Clark Kent coming of age and becoming Superman is a great re-telling.

Then came Part 2. That wasn't worth a darn! Seems special effects guys want to outdo the guys in Iron Man or Star Trek so lets have the final fight scene to last about 30 minutes doing the same thing over and over as the hero and the villain destroy the city with no regard. You know: When a few 40 story buildings fall or explode it just makes for cool graphics.  And so what about 80,000 people are killed, they will focus on one trapped family or person very ten minutes to show a human side.  And you know how the 2 battling supermen are thrown through buildings, go through exploding gas tankers, and through cars at each other,  if they battle hand to hand one just might break the other's neck?

But Superman gives Lois her first kiss after the battle that killed thousands and then they smile.
Superman help destroy Smallville AND Metropolis.

Not the Superman I knew.

Part 1 gets ***stars.
Part 2 gets *star.

2013 movie 25.

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