Saturday, June 4, 2011

Super Heroes meet James Bond!

Today we went to Avery's Little League Tournament and set in the breezy 98 degree weather. After the game we decided to cool off and go to the weekend movie. Not knowing how "ripe" we may be, we set off to ourselves and watched "X Men, First Class". This is a prequel to the first movie and a very good one at that. The setting for most of the story was 1962 when times were easy and all we feared was nuclear bombs raining down on us from Russia. Meaning at least we could find our enemies. The villains in the movie were very "James Bond" and the pace of the movie also reminded me of 007 because of the training scenes, the silly government people scenes, band the save the Planet finale. Kevin Bacon makes a grand bad guy.

Half way through the movie a light came on and I realized why nerds like comics. The females always wear the most suggestive (But Functional) clothes (Just like in James Bond!).

The movie is PG-13 but only because midway through the movie their is a 20 second scene in a bar where Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) tells the stars to "F off!". If is not only the only F Bomb, but maybe the only swear word in the movie, but it achieved the beloved "PG13".

I give the movie *** to ***1/2 stars. Fun Summer flick.

2011 movie #26

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