Wednesday, June 1, 2011

43 years, the sequel

43 years ago I got married. We were to spend our Honeymoon in Dallas. We had car trouble on the way and spent two long, long hours at an all-night truck stop while our car battery was being re-charged.

Tonight was the sequel. We went to Tulsa and had dinner and then to a movie. We spent two long, long hours at a bad, bad movie.

I am not saying we saw Hangover 2, the sequel. Maybe we did and maybe we didn't! What we saw was a lazy, repeat of a classic story that was more disgusting than funny. A few grins but no laughs. Not for adults over 40 or kids under 18. If I knew now what I didn't know then, I wouldn't even rent it.

Spoiler Alert: It is the same story, different place, less funny.

I give it *star. I'm too old for F-bomb humor!

2011 Movie # 25

No posters. Not worth it.

Day ended well though.

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