Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I found myself gripping about my boss today and gave myself a good talking to.

After 18 years as the guy in charge and several other years as a key decision maker, I can tell you one thing that is true. When you don't like how things are going, you can bet that your boss doesn't either. He or she (the boss) was seeing the problem about a week before you did!

I was amazed for years the lack of thought that most employees put in to what makes a business work. I was concerned about every pay day, every invoice, every payable and many other things that the staff knew little of. I can say that in 18 years the staff never missed a pay day, I missed many. The staff were paid their expense reports, I went without many times. I never told an employee that they couldn't take time off when requested, even when they should have worked.

I really thought they were more in tune with things. When trouble came and the slow down started, they turned on me in a startling way. I know (I read the e-mails!). I quit being invited to lunch and became the subject of lunch. It became "us and them" and that is fatal. People called in sick and stayed home to "work". They were still getting paid (I wasn't!). I did make a Large mistake with their 401K and got behind. I should have communicated, but had too much on my plate. It broke their trust even though I repaid it all. AND I lost all trust in the staff, as well.

They either had "no clue" or "No Care".

We are all where we deserve to be, APART!

I just know that in my new job, I have no idea what the management is dealing with and to second guess is as silly as it is futile. My new job is to support the firm and make it better with my contributions. Sure, I have good ideas, but I am not going to presume that I understand.

So, Mike, straighten up!

The LORD is in charge anyhow.

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