Saturday, March 19, 2011

Would you like to be "Limitless"?

We are into a series of big question movies. "Adjustment Bureau" challenged free will. "Limitless" asks the question, "If you could take a pill that would allow you to use your entire brain and not just the 20% that everyone claims we use, WOULD YOU?" That is the easy question. Next question: "What if the pill had side effects? Potentially dangerous side effects.

This new movie starring Bradley Cooper (Hangover) and Robert DeNiro takes over your mind just like the little clear pill. Like "Adjustment Bureau" it seems like continual movement with chases, fights, and a guy who is living at 150%.

For me I have thought a lot in life about the statement that we only use 20% of our brains. It seems that in life I am constantly challenged by the 80-20 rule. Only 20% 0f the members of the local church are active. 20% of the people does all the work. 20% of any organization gives the money. 80% of the population lives on 20% of the land. etc. I have used this many times to explain people with unusual gifts. They are using more than 20% of their brains.

But I digress. This is a thinking person's movie. It is intriguing and challenging. We would all have like to be in control. We would like to be totally confident. That is the human side of us.

If you see both movies (A.B. & L), you can see several parallels in cast, characters, and effects on our life direction. They show controlling people. They show how politics plays. etc.

This is a good movie. I give it ***stars.

2011 movie #13

BUT back to you.... Do you want to control your life in all cases?

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