Friday, March 11, 2011

mike gets a hall pass

Today is movie day and I usually end the work week with date night. Today though Carol had to go to a seminar and I had to "batch" so to speak. We have seen the good movies and NO good new movies have entered our town today. So-o-o-0 I decided to see a movie that my wife and I would not see. I took a hall pass to see "Hall Pass". Let me say up front that this flick is not very good, not very funny and very true. I would have thought that Owen Wilson would make good acting choices and it was directed by the Farrelly Brothers who did "There's Something About Mary" and "Shallow Hal". But they are also responsible for "Walter the Farting Dog".

The movie covers one element of life: Many guys like to look at good looking women, and many even fantasize about good looking women. (Not me of course! ) I have the stamina of King David.
(Check that. Forgetting the Bathsheba thing!) It also asks the question: If said guy were given permission to sow wild oats for a week, would he? We are not talking about the people we know that do so regularly, we are talking about the Applebee eating guys.

The movie answer is fairly true to form and is more like a documentary than a comedy. Yes, the Farrelly Brothers tries on a few occasions to shock (it's "R" rated), but each case is embarrassing and low brow. Like most of the current gross out comedies, deep down the story is innocent and marriage affirming, but not a marriage seminar.

It give it * 1/2 stars and say don't even rent it. I started to leave on two occasions, but being the only person in the theater, I stuck it out. I guessed the ending about 15 minutes into the movie.

In other words my hall pass was just like the movie "Hall Pass". I wanted to have some juvenile fun, but did not. I feel guilty for going just like Owen Wilson did acting in it.

If you need a movie, see "The Adjustment Bureau" or "Rango".

2011 movie #12

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