Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Diet Colas and me

I like diet colas. Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke are fine with me. I even like Diet Dr. Pepper and Diet Sprite and Diet Mountain Dew on occasion. I don't start drinking Diet Pepsi or Coke until I arise from sleep and I don't drink them when I retire to bed. I have my rules. We (My wife is a partner in crime) usually switch to decaffeinated from 5 pm. I would guess that I drink about 4 liters a day on average.

Yesterday USA Today ran this headline: "Is it healthy to drink diet soft drinks?"

And I said: "Oh Crap!"

I will say that this article made as much sense as Charlie Sheen because here is what our research money found out. AND I QUOTE: "A study found that increased risk of stroke and heart attack among people who drink diet soda every day vs. those who drink no soda at all."

Really! A study also shows that I have a greater risk of stroke than ALL people who have died.

The nutrition professor at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill and one of the nation's top experts on beverage consumption stated, " I prefer Americans drink water or unsweetened or lightly sweetened coffee or tea, but if it is between diet beverages and juice, fruit drinks or soda with tons of sugar in them, diet beverages are preferred."

The article ended with a Boston dietitian answering the question: How much diet soda is ok?

She said: "I think if you are drinking more than 12 ounces a day, you may run the risk of crowding out other more nutritious beverages, such as low-fat milk or and 1% reduced fat milk, that Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest you drink more of."

What a coincidence, I drunk 12 ounces while reading that. But I had some 1% on my cereal Sunday (while drinking a Diet Coke).

The ultimate is next: BACON FLAVORED DIET COKE!

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