Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What to do in a Whiteout

I have been in a reverse cabin fever. All this rain has made me want to stay away from people. I can't do that of course, but tonight I retreated to a movie that would give a person cabin fever. I went to see "Whiteout", a murder mystery movie set in Antarctica at the South Pole. Kate Beckinsale plays a U. S. Marshall stationed there at the large base. It is a "Who-done-it?". But my main question was how could she run around in -50 degrees C without a mask and no dry skin and moist lips? Okay I'll give them that one. Who wants to see a movie where all the stars are hidden behind giant clothes? It is one of those movies though where they had so many hours to leave the base before the giant whiteout comes and they are trapped for the winter. You know the ones. The loudspeaker in the background is constantly making announcements, "People the base will lock down in 52 hours, please be on the plane." and as the group is standing in line at the plain the loudspeaker is saying, "Let's hurry up people!" I don't think I would need reminding.

It is an Ok movie with a little CSI, NCIS in a cold climate.
I give it **stars. Good Rental. PG13 for gore and one "F" word.

2009 Movie #62

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