Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mike's Theory of College Football

Rule 1: Your team will not go undefeated.
Rule 2: The team that beats your team will not be the one you expected.
Rule 3: The Head Coach of your team is not as smart as you. Example: 4th down and goal at the two. They should always go for it!
Rule 4: The Head Coach of your team is not as smart as you. Example: 4th down and goal at the two. Why did they go for it? Three points was all we needed.
Rule 5: ESPN is always against your team!
Rule 6: All network sports analysts think your conference is overrated. Until it wins the National Championship. They knew it would!
Rule 7: You are not obnoxious about your team, but just about every else is.
Rule 8: If you are getting "butterflies" 24 hours before each game, you may be taking it a little too serious! Unless you are starting right guard.
Rule 9: If you refuse to go to church after a loss, your priorities may need review.
Rule 10: If it takes you until Tuesday to get over Saturday, it is time for a talk. calling Dr. Phil.

Been there done that. Say to yourself 20 times: "It's only a game."

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