Friday, May 8, 2009

Live Long & Prosper then beam me up, Scotty!

Tonight was a great treat after a tough, tough week emotionally.  Star Trek!  I am not a Trekky, but I grew up with space and the idea of space.  The TV show, Star Trek,  started the year after I graduated from high school(1966! wow).  It was a shocking departure from Bonanza and Gun Smoke.  We had never seen anything like it and it was cool!  We memorized shows like Seinfeld fans would do years later.  It was supreme escape and nothing came close to it for 11 years (Star Wars)

The new movie has everything Star Trek needs:  Characters that you like, but add a new edge and depth.  Effects that don't overwhelm the movie, and fun, fun fun.  J.J. Abrams (of Lost fame) directs and does a great job.  Look at the attached photos and see how well they matched the new actors with the original ones.  I liked it enough that I may see it again.  This movie relaunches the franchise in a fresh way.  I just hope that I don't hate it by the 3rd one.

I give it ****1/2 sci-fi stars.

One weird thing happened after the show.  I was standing in the hall waiting on Carol (restroom) and pulled out my iPhone to turn it back on.  Looking down at it, I had to smile.
In 1966 the idea of Captain Kirk carrying his hand held "communicator" seems much more sci-fi than the space ship! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever have one!

2009 movie #28

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