Saturday, July 12, 2014

You can lead 'em to Sunday School but you can't make 'em think

A dialogue:

"I wrote these people off 50 years ago."

Me: "What people?"

"These Rescue Mission people."


"50 years ago I called down here and told them that I had 40 rabbits that I had killed. I told them that if they had someone to skin them, I would let them have them.  They said that no one here could do that. Can you believe that?"

"Well there is the health code to consider. There are several reasons possible."

"Not 50 years ago!  People would eat things with dirt in it 50 years ago."

"You are talking about the late 60s or early 70s. There were health code rules then too."

"No, these people were just too lazy to work. A person couldn't even give them things without preparing it for them. I even called once and offered a mesh of fish to them if they would clean the fish. They said no to that too.  I wrote them off."

I leave before I say something really bad.

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