Friday, July 18, 2014

Historical Movies with long titles

I saw two movies in the last two days.  The first was for much needed movie therapy: dark room with popcorn.  It was "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" or for a quick overview think  "Ape Empire Strikes Back".  Shorter title.  The poster shown shows the Golden Gate Bridge with a giant gap in it.  Not sure why it wasn't like that in the movie. I, though, happen the like Monkeys that ride horses and shoot.  It demonstrates yet again why gun control is so dangerous.  Fun movie.  The apes seem more human than the human actors and have more emotion as well.

I give it **stars. Good Popcorn Movie. The next sequel though may be "unbelievable" though.

The second movie was a treat for the Grandsons: "How to train your Dragon 2" though it should have been "How to Train Your Dragon Too" meaning more of the same.  Spoiler Alert (about to reveal plot).  In true Children's Movie fashion this movie kills off the Dad so that it ranks with Lion King, Bambi, etc.  It did have a Viking Funeral in it so there's that. 

No I would not have gone to this but the boys give it ****stars.

2014 movies 28 & 29.

There is a rule that you must see ALL movies where Apes ride horses and Vikings fly with Dragons.

Gotta Do it.

The History part is the explanation of what went wrong with San Francisco and then answers the question: What happened to Dragons?  answer: Vikings flew them into things.

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