Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Artist - The past cries out silently

I went to see another of the Best Picture nominees tonight, "The Artist". We went tonight because it will be replaced tomorrow with a youth sic-fi movie. Even though critics across the country love this movie, we not only were the only two in the theater, they actually had to load it into the system, because they did not expect any one!

In this age of 3D, special effects, mind bending, profanity laced movies, along comes an inventive Black and white Silent Movie! It pays great tribute to the early days before "talkies" and the story is about that very thing: What happened to silent movies when replaced by sound during the Depression. This is a French movie laced with great American actors about Hollywood.

There is absolutely no reason for the young to see it for it has nothing that modern movies possess. It is song and dance, facial features and gestures, romantic comedy and Hollywood tragedy. The acting is great and believe it or not the SOUND while used sparingly is dynamic. It is also the best use of a dog in a movie!

This movie is a "duck out of water" and the best silent movie since Mel Brook's "Silent Movie"!
That is one you may want to check out.

While I still prefer "The Descendants" for best picture, I like this one.

I give it ****stars.

2012 Movie #5

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