Saturday, March 28, 2009

old school reading, new school thoughts

I am actually reading a book with pages and everything. It was too big for the CD player so I'm going "old school"! The book however is extremely challenging. It is, "the Blue Parakeet" or subtitle, "Rethinking How You Read the Bible" by Scot McKnight. Here is how he challenged me in the opening chapter:

"Many of my fine Christian friends, pastors, and teachers routinely made the claim that they were Bible-believing Christians, and they were committed to the whole Bible and that - and this is one of my favorite lines-- "God said it, I believe it, that settles it for me!" They were saying two things and I add my response(which expresses my disturbance):

One: We believe everything the Bible says, therefore....

Two: We practice whatever the Bible says.

Three: Hogwash! "

He then talks about how we all (no matter what group) picks and chooses which part of the Bible to practice. Right out of the box he picks several quick examples of things the Bible speaks of but that most do not practice: Most of James 1:26-27 (look it up); the Sabbath, Tithing, Foot Washing, Charismatic Gifts, Surrendering Possessions and Contentious Issues. This book also tackles the role of women in the Church.

This book deals with: How are we to live out the Bible today?

By the way the Blue Parakeet is a foundational story in the introduction.

This is a great challenge for me. Might be one for you too!

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