Thursday, March 27, 2014

Head Duck

Also at the Tulsa Workshop was the Head Duck, Phil Robertson.  He was met by a thrilled audience of admirers. AS for myself, I bought the CD.  You know by now that I am NOT A FAN.

He was across between Fox News and that guy in your church that his smarter than anyone (because he said so.)  He believes that all the information you need is this:  Read the Bible, the dictionary and an encyclopedia, vote Republican, get Baptized and work hard. 

He proudly stated that he is proof that you can be a multi-millionaire without a computer or cell phone.  He stands on everything that he learned about the Bible in the 1950's. At least he reminded me of the Church of the 1950's.

He talked down to us clean shaven and was warmly greeted for doing so.

I realized that both he and Jimmy Carter may be from the South, but there are no other things in common.  

Just Sayin

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