Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Nook- My Future has arrived

I am a reader. I think it started with my Dad. Every day of most of his working life, he would arrive at home after work, rested in his big chair and read the "Muskogee Phoenix". I then went to school and started receiving my "Weekly Reader" paper. In the Seventh grade I had my first study hall and began reading Jules Verne, "20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and his other books.!

I have mentioned before that I read a lot of newspapers. I one time I read 4 papers a day and five on Sunday. That became harder as the papers started getting in trouble and quit sending the news to us non-urban sorts.

So for Christmas, Santa gave me a NOOK-Color. YES, YES, YES

I still receive the Tulsa and Muskogee papers in my drive, but I also receive "USA Today" and "The Oklahoman" on my Nook. If I want the "New York Times", I can purchase that day's paper and the same with the "Dallas Morning News". This will save a few trees. It is my future of reading.

The Barnes and Noble people aren't dumb. I now subscribe to two magazines and bought a Max Lucado book. Unlike my MAC or the iPads, the battery on the Nook lasts a month. I have wi-fi
but it is not true tablet PC. I have an Iphone and a small Mac so I have what I need.

This is the future that I read about in my Weekly Reader. I just don't understand why cars still have wheels?

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