Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oil Frustration

a feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized. the feeing that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals,

There are a lot of frustrated people trying to deal with the Gulf oil mess. Those being directly affected I understand, but there are some I just don't get:

1. First there are all the "experts" in how the world should work that think BP isn't trying very hard to stop the flow of oil. They seem to think that BP has no reason to care! It is if they think BP is saying, "Isn't this nightmare fun?"

2. Then there are those people who have been complaining that the socialist Obama is trying to rule and run over private enterprise. They say he is thinks the government is the solution to everything. This week they are saying that he is not doing his job because he hasn't taken the reins from BP. Now the answer is Big Government! I listened to Sarah Palin say on FOX that there needs to be an investigation to see how much BP gave Obama during the Campaign now that HE is the friend of Big Oil. Why else would he drag his feet?

3. Then there are those that believe that the environmentalists blew up the rig! That sounds easy.

It is funny that BP keeps saying that it is 5,000 feet UNDER water and everyone thinks it is an oil pipe in about 5 feet of water. And at the moment no one is saying, "Drill, baby, drill!"

I feel that I am in Bizzaro World! (Superman reference)

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