Thursday, August 21, 2008

mike goes to the movies: PG40

Tonight we went to see: "Henry Poole is here". It is rated PG40 (no one under 40 will get it without guardian to explain) Well maybe PG30. Luke Wilson stars as a depressed guy that buys a new house with a bad stucco job. His Catholic neighbor thinks she sees the face of Jesus in the stained wall of his home and rallys to make it a shrine. I won't tell any more except it is a movie about hope, belief, faith, facing the trials of life, and even "Living inspite of circumstance".
It is not preachy, It is just good. I give it *** stars.
The irony is that after the movie (I'm in OKC for a convention), I picked up the Gazette, a local entertainment paper. The reviewer gave it an F saying nobody likes movies like this. His quote:
"Why would someone pay money to be reminded of life's ebony underside and our inevitable date with the End?"
Well my 20something friend, people over 40 (who have experienced a few things) would be my guess!

I liked it.

Warning: This movie has no car chases, secret agents, super heroes, or crude humor!

I am beginning to think Luke Wilson is a better actor than his brother Owen.

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