Sunday, January 8, 2017

Hidden Figures

"Hidden Figures is simply a great movie.  I remember that time well and saw it through the eyes of my "Weekly Reader" at school. I was into the Space Race between the USA and Russia and kept up with all the launches. It was dis-concerting when our rockets would blow up when launched and the Russian were so successful. (WE never heard when they failed!). What I believed was that out German scientists were competing with the Russian's German scientists. We knew that the Germans had the rockets and after the war everyone tried to get them.  What I did not know is this story about the Human computers.  

I grew up in a segregated world and would not have believed that "Colored women" played such a vital role and the news papers would not have carried the story. I is wild that it took over 50 years for the world to know.  It is sad what these women faced but that just makes their achievement even greater.

The movie has great acting and directing. You owe it to yourself to see it.

2017 movie #3  I give it *****stars. It is Oscar season.

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