Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stir it till it stinks

In my life I have encountered one rare individual type that amazes me. Mind you there is one in almost every organization and I am glad that there is usually just one. This is a person in a leadership position or position of influence that can only feel needed or alive when there is problems or controversy. When things are going smooth, they feel weird. They specialize in fixing events and people. But once things seem to be under their influence again, movement stops. They know where the want to take the organization, but they can only proceed by dictatorial means since everyone else is ignorant. Their leadership never goes over because the "control" vibes that they cast off.

They retreat and wait until another opportunity to "correct the flaws in others". If things are smooth again, "they stir it till it stinks" and then offer to help the situation while giving the assigned leaders a hard time and by spreading gossip.

I have been watching these people for 30 years and marvel at their skills (but do not covet). They have tried to "help me" and they have tried to "defeat me". They are hard to manage because at the drop of the hat they say, "Mike, you misunderstood, I am only trying to help!"

To which I say, "Well then pull the knife out of my back! I can't reach it!"

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