Friday, August 27, 2010

Get Low!

Yes friends, good movies are still being made.

We are in OKC for a convention. Brick Town is crowded tonight and all kinds of things are happening, so we went to the movies. "Get Low" is a movie starring Robert Duvall, Bill Murray, Sissy Spacek, and a great supporting cast. The easy story is that a hermit in the 1930's comes to Bill Murray, Funeral Home Director, and wants a Funeral party. He wants to go to his own funeral (while he is still living). The movie is based loosely on a true story and much ole tale. While it is probably PG50 (no one under 30) it is PG13 (no F word) and should be seen by any mature person.

This is a story of redemption, forgiveness, misunderstandings, gossip gone wild, and not forgiving one's self. It is extremely great up to and including the song during the credits by Alison Krauss.

It has a great deal of humor (Bill Murray) and great dialogue (Robert Duvall). See this movie. Trust me.

I give it *****stars. Yes 5 stars.

2010 Movie #38

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