Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Why the Hub Bub?

I talked to an elderly Christian Lady (not my mother) today who asked me about the Ferguson Incident.  "Why all the talk about the black kid being shot by a white police officer?  I mean THEY destroyed several businesses and no one said anything!"  Where would I even begin in this dialogue?  She then said, "Their families (the Blacks) should have taught them better."  What to say?  Its not that I did not respond, it was that I was talking to someone who doesn't keep up with current events and is in a different world. I mentioned the OU Fraternity scandal and she hadn't heard of it.  I could lay this at the feet of old age. but it is greater than that.

Out in the Panhandle I had a school bond issue defeated because it would raise taxes.  This district had not even tried a bond issue for 20 years and had very little taxes so any size project will "raise Taxes".  We wanted to replace a 95 year old building that does not meet any codes, is not equipped for computers or almost anything else. BUT it is paid for!  Those kids need to understand that it was good enough for their grandmother so what's the problem?

At church we don't meet our budget but we fund all kinds of good causes and missions that pop up. It's just that when a good idea pops up it sounds better than paying the bills. 

A few years ago the younger generation and their parents decided that us baby boomers have created this mess and called us the "Me Generation".  Today that idea is shallow in a society that says "I want what I want and I don't care about you."  Their is no unity of direction anywhere.  There was a time of community now we are just Republicans and Democrats, Left and Right, and my version of good and bad.

The lady finished our conversation by saying that she thought everything went the wrong direction in 1970 when the young did not support Vietnam and went to Woodstock!  I smiled and said, " Now you're talking about me!"

But I digress.

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