Monday, March 9, 2015

Chappie or Crappie

I went to the movies the other night and saw 2 or 3 different movies rolled into one.  The movie "Chappie" has interested me from the first previews: The story of a discarded droid used by a robot designer to test his program for Artificial Intelligence  or AI for sci-fi geeks.   That movie is the exploration of what it would be like if a robot could think, feel, learn and love.  That movie shows a robot that learns that humans have souls and a new life after death. That's fairly deep stuff.

During this part of the story we see that Police Droids now do all law enforcement of the city and the robot designer is employed by the Corporation that supplies them.

Then the second movie starts: What if said robot is befriended by street gang types who teach the droid profanity and crime!  It is still intriguing even though the profanity and violence ramps up to a very uncomfortable spectacle.

Enter movie three: Our old buddy, Hugh Jackman, is standard issue bad guy who has designed a giant droid that can fly, stomp almost tank-like. He needs all the police robots to fail so that there is panic and he can save the day!  Like just about every old sci-fi story.   Enter the big, kill folks, destroy stuff, have chaos, etc..

All these movies are going at once. Stuff happens.

The weird thing is Christanity Today said this was a good discussion of the soul, the creator, etc.  How they got to watch just two of the stories I don't know.

This was half of a good movie.  I give it ** stars.  Wait for upload and save your money.

2015 movie #15

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