Friday, July 6, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom - the anti-spiderman

No, we haven't seen Spiderman. It is a remake of previously bad cartoon (comics) movies.  

I needed a good movie so it was MOONRISE KINGDOM. And normally, a movie starring Bill Murray, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Frances McDormand, and other great actors will fill the need.  IT DID. BUT here's the deal, the unknown kid actors stole the show.  And they should it is about them. It is the summer of 1965, somewhere in New England. The Khaki Scouts are at camp and one of the 12 year olds goes AWOL to run away with his  sweet heart.  The entire island and all the scouts start searching.  This is one of those movies that is so quirky that you may not laugh out loud a lot, but you will have a grin on your face from start to finish.

I relived certain parts of my childhood while watching this.  Including my first daydreams about being alone with a girl and not knowing what to do.  The kiss is everything.  This movie is witty and has an innocence that is refreshing.  It has so many crazy situations that I couldn't begin to describe them.
Hurricanes, Lighting, tree houses, and crazy adults.

It is an independent film which means that mist theaters won't make room for it because of epics like Avengers, Spiderman, Katy Perry, etc.

I can promise a good time IF you have a good heart!

I give it ****stars. 2012 Movie #23

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