Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mirror, Mirror on Brave Women

It wasn't lost on me that the Hunger Games story of the Brave and determined young lady with a bow has made Hollywood wake up.

We went to see "Mirror, Mirror" today and had a blast watching Julie Roberts, Nathan Lane and company have fun with the Snow White story. It was a great time and as witty as it was twisted.
The story also portrayed Snow White as someone who learns to take care of herself and battle for others. Hmmmmmm. She used a sword though.

During the previews the trailer for "Brave" the Disney Pixar animation was shown and it just so happened that the heroin of this tale is a master with a bow!

I expect a few more of these before the course is run. Actually, the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, was right there as well.

I give Mirror, Mirror ***stars.

2012 movie #13

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