Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Boys and Jo Pa

I don't claim to know what's going on at Penn State. It is a dreadful story filled with pain, suffering, and ruined lives. I do have some thoughts about Joe Paterno. He is 84 years old. My Mother is 91. People of this era have trouble even discussing subjects like Child Molesters, Homosexuals, even Divorce. In their day such things weren't discussed. Homosexuals are called "different" people or mentally ill. If someone in the family was thought to be "perverted", they were just shunned or avoided.

I once asked my therapist friend if sexual predators were more prevalent today than in the past. He said it has ALWAYS been this bad. The difference is that we are willing to talk about it. Such things weren't discussed in polite company or on TV & radio or even within the family structure.

When I was a kid, my Mother did not allow the word "pregnant" to be used in our house. Someone may be "expecting" or "with child" but never pregnant. If the pregnant person was not married, they were not spoken about at all.

Now I am not dismissing in the least whatever involvement that JO PA may have had in a cover up, but he was probably out of his element.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

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