#1. When your employer discovers that you have been surfing for porn on the net for three days while he was away and he threatens to fire you, you don't say, "Well, Mike if there was a problem shouldn't we talk about it?"
#2. When your employer shows up at the office on Saturday Morning, you look startled and say, "What are you doing here?" Then you jump up and run from the office. Later you look surprised that he (me) investigated your computer use.
#3. When your employer asks you why you are working for another (competitor) Architect on the office computer system, you first deny it. Then you should not follow that answer with: "I used my lap top to draw it. I just put the projects on the office system so I could use the office printers, plotters and paper to make copies for the competition. I'll take them off (the system) if you want me to."
#1 happened three years ago. #2 &3 was my morning HR moment!
By the way if you know someone who knows AUTOCAD, I'm suddenly in the market!
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