Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fund and Narrow Roads?

In the Movie: "What about Bob?" the Bill Murray character says: "There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that like Neil Diamond and those that don't." I have always like him even though he has written some of the best songs ever that make no sense at all! If you don't believe me try making sense of the lyrics of "I am I said" and "Play Me". This week American Idol was about his music. Yes, I like that show and Yes, I think Simon is almost always correct.
The music of the show influenced me to download his Greatest Hits to my IPOD. I was listening to it while writing the 5th Grader bit. The song "Play Me" came on and a line sounded a little like the title of my blog. He actually says:

"And so it was that I came to travel
on a Road that was fund and narrow."

If you have a clue what that means let me know! I have listened to it several times. He does not say "Fun and Narrow".

It still doesn't top the line in "I am I said" that says: " and no one heard at all, not even the chair!"

I guess traveling a "Fund and Narrow" road qualifies as "Less Traveled" even if the chair can't hear it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's "thorned and narrow" :)