Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Us Baby Boomers

It is well documented that we baby boomers are different.  I had this thought the other day about current fashions

Men with three beards and stubble:  Growing up in the first of the TV age the only men that looked like they were unkept or needing a shave were the "Bad guys" in the westerns. John Wayne and his kind always beat them.  So we tend it be clean shaven,

Men with beards:  In the days of the westerns only judges and old wise men had beards.  We grow them when we want to be wise.  When I started  my first business, I was 30 and wanted to seem older and smart so I had a full beard for eight years.  I only shaved it when my chin started turning gray  (before I was ready).

Tattoos:  Again as a child the only people that had these had just come back from World War 2 and were Navy veterans.  I equated them with someone who had a wild experience. Never thought they would be a fashion thing worn by folks that have never experienced anything.

I would mention piercings but I would have to dive into old Nation Geographics!

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