Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Master Storyteller- Garrison Kiellor


We went to see Garrison Kiellor last night and it was almost a religious experience. Actually that was exactly what it was. In the course of the evening we sung about 10 hymns, I discussed the church of his youth and his current church, he talked about death and eternity and he told the grandest stories. He is the Greatest Living Story Teller.

I first discovered him and Prairie Home Companion while moving the radio dial one Saturday many years ago.  Since then I have read all his books, bought many tapes of dialogues and stories, and have witnessed him live three times in Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Boston. There are three things that represent my teen age years: The Beatles, The Beach Boys and the stories of Garrison Kiellor. His stories so mirror my life that it is spooky.  I love his intelligence and his ability to connect with real life (all mixed together).  

Any Baby Boomer or fan of his show shpu;d see him live!  He is *****

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