Tuesday, November 26, 2013

mike on sports

Strange thing is happening in the college football world.  It is the battle of the legendary schools vs the newer upstarts.  I'm talking Baylor versus Texas Longhorns; Alabama versus Auburn and OU versus Oklahoma State.

Example:  Oklahoma U is playing Oklahoma State in 10 days and OSU is favored.  OU sports information has countered by sending out press releases about all of OU's 44 conference championships versus OSU's TWO.  Staggering isn't it.  OU has even one National championships 7 times to OSU's 0!

Now that is formidable, I think.  But here is the problem: When OU won its last National Championship, the current OSU players were 6 years old.

OSU stands to win its 2nd conference championship in 3 years. It has been longer than that for OU.

What I am saying is:  Today's players (and young people in general) don't care about history!  Any History!  They are in the NOW.  

Older football fans want teams like OU, Alabama and Texas  want to keep traditional  uniforms while the teams of Baylor, OSU and Oregon use wild uniform combinations. Why?  The kids today DO NOT CARE ABOUT TRADITION.  THEY LIKE WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW!


BTW:  I think my theory works in most arenas (including music and religion).

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