Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Help & me

I went to see the movie, "The Help" tonight. It is based on a novel that I should have read and still will. In Katie Couric's book there is a story about the author. The book was rejected over 30 times before it was published.

I liked the movie a lot even though it was hard at times because it accurately reminds me of my past. I did not grow up in Mississippi and certainly not in a society that could afford servants and maids. BUT: About 1958 the "white" movie theater in my Oklahoma home town burnt down. The owner also owned another theater about two blocks away that was the "Colored" theater. He thought about alternating nights for the races with his remaining building, but he was quickly told that the whites would not come. So he closed the remaining theater! If the whites wouldn't go, the blacks couldn't!

At my church in the 1960's one Sunday a black couple from the "Black" church came to worship with us. Seems their church was having a squabble. No one turned them away, but every one was let's say "cool". That afternoon the word got around town and the Baptist church had a hastily called business meeting and voted to turn any "coloreds" away.

I was in the last segregated class at my school in 1965. I lived with town and "Nigger" town. laundry-mats divided with white and colored sides, etc.

I was asked one Sunday after church in 1959 to had out pamphlets as people left church. The pamphlets stated the downfall the USA if Kennedy was elected president. It stated that he would answer only to the Pope!

Enough of that. I think I have proved that I lived in "The Help" era.

The movie is a good snap shot of our past. It is well made. The music is spot on as are the fashions (except Emma Stone's hair). The actors are superb especially Voila Davis, Jessica Chastain, Octavia Spencer and Emma Stone. You need to see this movie. That is unless you are bigoted!

It is happy, sad, thoughtful, and hopeful.

I give it **** stars.

2011 movie #40!

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