Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Well Worn Sayings: If I knew how great grandkids were I'd had them first!

"If I knew how great Grandkids were, I'd had them first."  That's a cute statement that I have used many times. It is also untrue.  Having grandkids happens when much of our busy-ness of starting a family is past.  The truth is: when our kids were young, I was too busy with life that I failed to enjoy what was in front of me.  I enjoy the grandkids because I let them and their family(my kids) and their activities control my schedule.  When my kids were young, I was at their games and activities but mentally was absent way too much.  I should have enjoyed what was offered to me. Sorry Kids.

Anyone that states that they should have had grandkids first are admitting a lot!

Of Course a benefit of grandkids is that we only get the easy duties and don't have to raise them. Oh, we contribute, but not like when I was 30 or 40 and in a constant concern about finances and where would the money come from.

That being said: Grandkids are Super Cool!

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