Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Intern

Remember the movie called "The Internship" starring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn?  
Well, "The Intern" is much much better than that.  It is the movie they thought they were making.

The Intern stars Robert DeNiro and Ann Hathaway.  No they didn't just mail it in for a average comedy.  These two actors did a brilliant job and capturing today's Business climate and showing the generational differences and traits. It is Old School/New School. It is also thoughtful and thought provoking. It is how families' deal with work, love, guilt and getting ahead.

Ann Hathaway is the founder of an E fashion business that has grown from 4 to 250 people in two years. It showing growing pains. The new HR department thinks it would be good to have a "Senior" intern program where retirement age people get to intern with the young go-getters. Enter DeNiro.
His role its been said maybe the nicest, most thoughtful and sensitive people ever portrayed.

This movie is both thoughtful and fun.  I saw many of our collective personalities in this. Not typical Hollywood. PG-13 (one F-bomb). Two of my favorite actors.

2015 movie #44

I give it a rare **** for a simple comedy.

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